Truck-Mounted and Trailered PVMS
PVMS can be used for incident management/first response and for planned events that require temporary directional and detour signage. PVMS shall not be used on advanced warning vehicles or in lieu of signs and arrow boards that comprise required work zone traffic control advanced warning signage. For guidance on using trailered PVMS to supplement work zone traffic control, refer to the Regional Traffic Engineer and Office of Traffic Safety and Mobility’s “Variable Message Sign Guidance.”
For incident management, or an unexpected work location, a truck-mounted PVMS can provide the traveling public with temporary guidance that an immediate action should be taken. In this instance, the truck-mounted PVMS should be mounted/used on a “first response” vehicle (Maintenance Supervisor pick-up truck) that is not protected by a work zone, and should be considered until an appropriate work zone traffic control plan can be established.
For planned events, a trailered PVMS can provide advance notice of special events that will adversely affect travel, and are typically trailered to a specific location to be left in place for a longer duration. For guidance on using trailered PVMS for planned events, refer to the Regional Traffic Engineer and Office of Traffic Safety and Mobility’s “Variable Message Sign Guidance.”
The table below illustrates approved messages for incident management. No other messages or displays are permitted without prior approval from the Regional Traffic Engineer. For unusual situations, contact the Regional Traffic Engineer for guidance prior to programming messaging.