If at any time during your trip, you believe that you may be in danger – immediately call 911. If you would like to file a safety-related complaint, please fill out our complaint form or call our toll-free hotline at 833-727-0901.
Consumers may verify that the company and driver are in compliance with Article 19-A of the Vehicle and Traffic Law by contacting the NYSDMV Bus Driver Unit at 518-473-9455 or [email protected].
Safe Limo NY
Before You Charter an Altered Limousine
New York State regulates altered vehicles, also referred to as stretched or modified limousines. For the purposes of the following guidance, an altered limousine is defined as a limousine capable of transporting nine or more persons (including the driver). Prior to chartering a stretched or modified limousine, consumers should verify the following company/driver information:
- This data is based on a 24 month rolling period.
- This data represents the number of safety inspections performed pursuant to NYSDOT requirements.
- A vehicle that has failed a NYSDOT safety inspection shall not be operated until it has passed a NYSDOT re-inspection.
- Please check for vehicle specific safety inspection information that is required to be conspicuously posted in each vehicle.
Operator Profile Information from April 1, 2020 - March 31, 2021
Operator Profile Information from April 1, 2022 - March 31, 2023
Operator Profile Information from April 1, 2021 - March 31, 2022
Operator Profile Information from April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024